property law lufkin tx

Let Fenley & Bate, LLC Assist in the Negotiation of Your Commercial or Residential Transactions

  • Commercial Real Estate Transactions
  • Residential Real Estate Transactions
  • Rural Electric Cooperatives
  • Title Insurance Issues

FENLEY & BATE has extensive experience in handling real estate transactions from the perspective of both buyer and seller from offer through consummation. We can provide assistance for issues ranging from preparation of an enforceable sales agreement, preparation of instruments for closing, acquisition and documentation of financing through owners or institutional lenders, to issuance of title insurance, including the examination of title, and preparation of instruments necessary to cure title objections. In conjunction with Title and Abstract companies, we assist in closing transactions.

FENLEY & BATE can assist in negotiation and preparation of commercial and residential leases for landlords and tenants, and lending transactions secured by liens against real estate.

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